Sunday, August 29, 2010


So, it's been a long time. A long-me-forsaking time. Well, with the beginning of a new school year comes the beginning of some sort of schedule-ish. And the first week of school actually did bring some genuine God time every day. Just about 10 minutes a day, but a small start is quite a start nonetheless.
Well, I've been reading still in 1Sam. Interesting stuff. I'm actually getting into the Saul/Jonathan/David story, and things are actually hitting my heart. So, thanks God! It makes me very excited when I find things relatable and relevent.
With this new engagement thing, I've found myself just praying a lot. A LOT. A LOT LOT about my future, his future, our future, together, with God, around God, just for guidance, wisdom, blessings. This is all actually kind of terrifying, yet so exciting. God, I know these aren't the ideal relationship conditions. I'm really feeling that this is the man for me. I have complete faith in you, what you can do for us, to us, with us. If I'm wrong, I haven't felt it. Do we feel wrongness? And I know even if I'm completely about to screw up my life, that You'll help me make the best of what I put in it. Thank you.